Image Use Policy
Users are welcome to download images found in our on-line Kiosk for educational, research, and non-commercial use. Items should be cited with appropriate credit:
[Artist, image information, donor credit], Courtesy of The Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum, Bowdoin College.
Maruice Cole, Six Suns at Nerky [Neqe], September 1915. Gift of Margaret Tanquary Corwin. Courtesy of The Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum, Bowdoin College.
Note that in some cases copyright may be held by other individuals or institutions. It is the responsibility of the user to seek permission from them.
For those wishing to obtain higher resolution images, or images for publication (including editorial and commercial uses) the museum will provide digital files according to the guidelines below.
Note that museum staff can only carry out limited research on behalf of patrons. Those wishing to do extensive research in collections not yet accessible online are encouraged to come to the museum to view the collections. Contact the curator for more information or to make an appointment.
Please submit requests for images by email. Requests should include details of the image (e.g. title, accession number), the title and nature of the project (book, film, website), the publisher, anticipated publication date and distribution.
Please make your request well ahead of any deadlines. We try to respond to requests within 10 business days, but our small staff may not be able to accommodate rush orders, and long delays may occur depending on other museum priorities.
Permission to use images is contingent upon receipt of a) a signed copy of the permission agreement and b) the appropriate fee.
The Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum reserves the right to approve reproduction of images on a case-by-case basis, and to modify these terms, in writing, as required by circumstances.
- Permission is granted for one time use only. To use the image in any other production or a second edition, a new written permission request must be sent to The Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum.
- The image is not to be reproduced in any additional media not specified in this agreement (print, film, or electronic) without the prior written consent of The Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum. Additional fees may be required.
- The image is not to be loaned, rented, sold or otherwise transferred to any other party for their use.
- The image is not to be modified in any way without prior approval of the museum.
- The Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum will not be responsible for any charges incurred during the course of research and production.
- If the image is to be used in any advertisement or publication associated with the project for which permission has been granted, written permission must first be secured from The Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum.
- In the case of physical productions (books, dvds etc) user will provide the museum with a copy of the work which includes the images requested. For online use the user will provide the url, and for other digital productions a copy of the digital work.
- The image will be credited as follows: Courtesy of The Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum, Bowdoin College or, if a shorter credit line is needed, The Arctic Museum, Bowdoin College.
Research Fees
Images not available online will be provided as digital files (generally PDF), sent electronically. If high resolution scans (over 1500 pixels in the largest dimension) are required these will be charged at $15/image.
Rush orders (less than ten working days) are charged double and will be accepted only as museum staff time permits.
Publication Fees
- For-profit publications: $100.00 per image
- Not-for-profit publications printed in fewer than 1,000 copies: free More than 1,000 copies: $ 50.00
All fees are payable in advance, by check, Visa or Mastercard, or wire transfer. Payment must be in US dollars.
The Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum reserves the right to negotiate fees for services not described on this list.